When does teething usually begin?
Teething can begin at any age (some babies are even born with teeth!) However it typically begins around 4 months, with the tooth cutting through around 6 months.Girls generally get their teeth a little earlier than boys, however every baby is different. Usually the lower incisors (or 2 mid-front teeth) pops out with the molars erupts last. This could take up to 2 years, but don’t worry our babies won’t be teething the whole entire time!

What do you expect during teething?
While every baby differs during the teething process you can expect a few fussy nights, especially as the teeth are cutting through. It’s important to try a couple different soothing options because each will work better for different babies.Ultimately, a little trial and error will go a long way but don’t be overly concerned if you can’t completely soothe them. Their teeth are erupting after all and some pain should be expected. On the other hand, if discomfort seems excessive or goes on for a week or more, make an appointment with your doctor as it could be something else.
Every baby’s teething experience usually differs. There will be nights that the baby is squeamish, and there are some that develops low grade fever. But, there’s a lot of misconceptions on fever being associated with the teething process per se. Yes, your baby is cranky and may even have a mild fever. But if the temp. is above 38 degrees it is likely because of an infection, not teething.
What are the signs my baby is teething?
Some common symptoms your baby is teething include:1. Baby is very irritable!
2. Puts everything to their mouth
3. Slightly puffy gums
4. So much drooling going on!
5. Biting into anything
6. No appetite
7. Rubs face most of the time.
8. Ear pulling (This is actually very clever, as they are trying to alleviate some of their pain.)
9. Flush cheeks
What can I do to help ease my baby’s pain?
Here are a few things that I have done to help soothe my son’s pain (and therefore mine!)- The almighty Bonjella and gum massage, this usually gives him instant relief
- Chewing on a cold washcloth (sometimes I put in on my shoulder so he gets cuddles and gets to chew at the same time)
- Homemade rusks (See my recipe here)
- Homemade teething rings (see some ideas here)
- Panadol (sometimes this is what helps us all sleep)
- Breast milk/formula ice cubes or in a mesh pacifier
Just explore on what works better. Basically, a little experiment goes a long way!
If you're still worried about your baby or toddlers teeth then give us a call because our children's dentists here in Melbourne have patience in abundance to take care of your child. Plus, you'll be able to get the answers that you need in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.
Your child may also be eligible for $1000 of free dental treatment under the CDBS, let us help you find out. Visit our CBDS help page to understand more about the eligibility rules and also to help us help you find out if your little ones are eligible for free dental treatment or call us on (03) 9459 6300 or make an appointment online:
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours
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