- Treat your sore & bleeding gums to save your health
- Best-rated dental practice in Melbourne's north-east
- See for yourself why we get reviews
- Latest digital dentistry to get you fast results
- Affordable treatments that will fit your budget
- Open evenings & Saturdays, to suit your schedule
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours
What is gum disease & what causes it?
People with gum disease have 2-3 times the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, or other serious cardiovascular event.
Periodontal disease is the infection and swelling of the gum area. You might already know that any swelling in your body is a bad sign.
It is caused by plaque, which is a thick, sticky film of bacteria that builds up on teeth. Plaque can harden to become calculus (tartar). Tartar can occur when your teeth and gums have not been cleaned thoroughly or often enough.
Our gentle dentists and hygienists will examine your teeth and gums and any existing fillings to make sure they are not loose. We will also check for any change in size, shape, appearance and texture of your gums.
We will then get a clear picture of which of these four stages your gums fit into:

What are the signs & symptoms of gum disease?
The signs and symptoms of gum disease are obvious and usually ones which people often mistake for being "normal":
- Red, swollen, tender, painful or bleeding gums
- Gums that have shrunk from the teeth
- Persistent bad breath and bad taste in mouth
- Abscesses between teeth and gums
- The fit of dentures have changed
- Loose teeth, or gaps appearing between teeth
Bleeding gums are not normal. Getting treatment early will help us save your natural teeth & help your wallet in the long run too!
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours
What are the benefits of treating gum disease & gingivitis?

- Less pain and swelling in your mouth while you go about your life
- Less pain and blood when brushing
- Decreased chances of expensive, emergency dental treatment
- A healthier mouth where your natural teeth feel smooth and clean
- Less chances of bad breath & more self-confidence
- A better chance of keeping your natural teeth for life!
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours
How does a dentist treat gum disease & gingivitis?
Scaling: Cleaning the tooth surface above the gum line and in shallow pockets below the gum line
Root planning: Cleaning deposits of plaque and calculus on the tooth roots and in pockets under your gums to leave your teeth clean and smooth
Hand scaling: this is particularly useful when you have pockets of obstinate plaque buildup that normal scaling does not remove
Smile With Confidence
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours
What happens if I don't fix my bleeding or sore gums?

- Further disease in the jaw, causing loose teeth
- Infection from the gums and jaw travelling to the tooth and infecting it (needing more treatment)
- Tooth Loss leading to more expensive treatment
- Potentially increased chances of heart disease source & stroke source
- Links to pre-term low weight birth for pregnant women source
- Bad breath & a lack of social confidence
- Loss in confidence with your smile
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours
What can I do to stop excess plaque buildup?
As gum disease tends to recur, it is important to have maintenance treatment. This may be as often as every 3 months, or can be incorporated into your regular 6 monthly check-ups.
Follow these 3 steps to prevent gum disease and gingivitis:
Follow these 3 steps to prevent gum disease and gingivitis:
Brush at least twice a day, for 2 minutes at a time, over your teeth AND gums
Floss between your teeth daily, & also when you can feel food is stuck
Schedule regular 6-monthly dentist visits so that we can give your mouth a comprehensive clean
Save your natural teeth
Or you can book an appointment by calling us on (03) 9459 6300 during business hours